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Posted by on Apr 19, 2013 in Diving

Scuba Diving Insurance – What to Look For, Who to Choose & Why it’s Important

Scuba Diving Insurance – What to Look For, Who to Choose & Why it’s Important

This is a mega-post, so at each section I’ve provided links to all the other sections. I’ve also broken up some of the sections with picture, just to brighten it up a bit!


You’ve booked your holiday, your once-in-a-long-time opportunity for some sun, some relaxation and, yes, some diving. You may even have “pushed the boat out” (badum tish) and plumped for a liveaboard. Maybe you’re going to Egypt, or perhaps somewhere further afield.diving1

And now I want to talk to you about something much less interesting: your insurance. No, not in case your luggage gets diverted to Lithuania, or your airline goes bust (this happened to me!), I’m talking about your Diving Insurance. You know, in case bad things happen whilst you’re diving.

A lot of people don’t think about this, or don’t give it the attention (I think) it deserves. For a start us Brits are spoilt when it comes to healthcare. Thanks to the wonders of the NHS, our care is free at the point of delivery. Even if we do something silly like BMX into a bus, or yes, ascend too fast on a dive – the NHS will be there to care for us. And they won’t want a penny. This has made us complacent, cossetted in the belief that surely this sort of care is our unassailable right wherever we happen to find ourselves in the world. Well, the sun has set on the Empire, this is 2013 and unfortunately this just isn’t true.

Travel insurance has many parts to it, but one of those parts covers your medical assistance whilst abroad. If you’re in the EU then your EHIC may offer you some good assistance, but if you’re outside of the EU (and a lot of very good dive spots are outside the EU), then you need to know what your insurance will cover you for.

“Your insurer may want to know beforehand that you are planning on diving.”

Here’s another thing: diving is seen as a hazardous activity. It’s an extreme sport. It’s a safe sport, far safer than many others, but it’s classed as a activity with increased risk due to the special conditions we divers choose to subject ourselves to. That affects your insurance, quite a lot in some cases. Your insurer may want to know beforehand that you are planning on diving. They may want to impose some restrictions or charge you a premium.

The Price of Care

Some people don’t get any insurance when they go diving abroad. That means that, should anything happen to them which requires medical assistance and this isn’t covered by anyone else (such as the NHS or a EHIC card) then they must foot the cost. What is this cost?

In Sharm el Sheikh, hyperbaric treatment costs around $750 per hour (source). If you were to require 4 days of decompression therapy, 8 hours per day (which is not unreasonable) that comes to around $24,000, or around £15,500.

Note: the EHIC card (the European Health Insurance Card) which covers you for emergency healthcare in Europe and which is available free from the NHS, does NOT cover Egypt (or anywhere else not in Europe)!


High Street Cover

Many banks and building societies offer travel insurance as part of bank account packages. A lot of these also cover scuba diving.

My concern is that people don’t read the small print of their cover, not digging any deeper than “Scuba Diving Covered”. For a lot of these high-street providers, the scuba-diving is not the majority market, and therefore there is little incentive to offer the perfect cover for divers. The cover you receive may be lacking in several areas, including things you may have taken for granted.

Here’s an example… and the first disclaimer. I’m not a lawyer, or an insurance specialist. I am quoting from a policy, and you must make up your own mind what it means.

This is from the American Express Travel Insurance policy:

You are covered for: All reasonable and necessary expenses which arise as a result of a medical emergency (excluding search and rescue) involving you.

What is defined as “search and rescue”? What if you suffer an unsafe ascent away from the boat, and a search helicopter is dispatched to find you? What if you are taken by helicopter from the boat to the nearest hospital – is that “rescue”? I’m not picking on American Express, they aren’t the only one to exclude search and rescue, but it raises important questions in my mind – and this is an area where I don’t want to have unanswered important questions.

Specialist Diving Insurers

There are specialist diving insurers available. These are insurance companies set up specifically to cater for divers. They tend to understand the sort of concerns and questions diving should have, and cater for them accordingly.

The most surprising thing about these insurers is that they are not expensive, especially relative to the price of a holiday. I think the greatest barrier to people choosing these providers instead of their normal travel insurer is apathy: it’s another thing to research, another form to fill in, another bit of paperwork to deal with. Besides, nothing bad will happen to me, right? I’m on holiday!helicoptor

What to Look For

Firstly, I’m not an expert. This is what I look for when comparing insurance cover. You should make sure you fully understand both the conditions and the exclusions of any policy you plan to rely on to cover your scuba-diving activities.

There are 4 main things I tend to look for in diving insurance. They are:


Fairly obvious one this, but insurers will tend to put a limit on how deep you can dive. This may either be a fixed depth or tied to your qualifications. It’s definitely worth checking the small print for these numbers as this would be the easiest way for you to invalidate your insurance.

Like lots of other aspects of diving, don’t push the limits. If you’re an Advanced Open Water Diver (qualified to 30M) planning on doing dives at or around the 18M mark, don’t choose insurance which sets an absolute limit at 18M (or even 20M). Things can happen, especially if you get into difficulties and it’s easy to sink down a few meters and invalidate yourself.

It’s also worth noting that in order to be covered for any scuba diving, a lot of companies insist that you inform them first that you are planning on going diving, and have this written into your policy schedule.

Incidental/ Diving Holiday

I wasn’t aware of this until I started looking, but some policies will only cover scuba diving if done on an “Incidental Basis”. Some policies state exactly what this means, some don’t. However, if you’re planning a holiday where you have pre-booked 5 days diving and hired equipment, I would suggest that isn’t diving on an incidental basis. If your policy states this I would recommend you get it clarified before you rely on it.

Transportation Costs

Should something happen whilst you are diving then the captain or dive crew may well elect to have you removed to the nearest decompression chamber as quickly as possible. This may very well include a helicopter ride. It’s worth clarifying with your insurer exactly who pays for this if you need it, because some policies explicitly exclude search and rescue costs from their policies.

Quite often the insurers will require “proof” from a qualified medical person before agreeing to cover costs. Here’s an example (it’s from the M&S Money policy regarding travel cover) :

“With the prior authorisation of the Emergency Assistance Service, the additional costs incurred in the use of air transport or other suitable means, including qualified attendants, to repatriate you to your home if it is medically necessary. These expenses will be for the identical class of travel utilised on the outward journey unless the Emergency Assistance Service agree otherwise.”

You need to consider where you are going, how remote your diving will be, how long it will take for the Emergency Assistance Service to decide on the appropriate course of action and inform your insurers. There is evidence that “early HBO (hyperbaric oxygen) treatment in divers with neurological DCI is associated with a better outcome”. Whatever needs to happen, needs to happen quickly.

Other Exclusions / Comments

Some providers will not cover you if you dive using Nitrox (yes, really!). There may be other exclusions, limitations or restrictions as well, so read your policy carefully.

Research on Insurance Choices

I conducted some research amoungst divers to find out what diving insurance policies they chose. I also asked them what they thought that insurance covered, and how they would classify themselves as a diver.

By the way, you can still contribute to this research, if you’re a diver and haven’t yet submitted a result. Please fill in the super-simple survey here. If I get a lot more responses I’ll be able to draw more conclusions about the choices people make.

What Do The Professionals Buy?


So, don’t just take my word for it!

There was also some evidence that people are purchasing non-specialist insurance but assuming that it covers them for a variety of emergency, diving-specific conditions. The numbers are too low to be conclusive but of the 10 responses who purchased “Ordinary Travel Insurance” or “Adventure/Extreme Sports Focused Insurance”, the following percentages thought that their insurance would cover:


“Normal” & “Adventure” Insurance Providers


I collated a list of some of the more popular High Street insurers, plus some Adventure Travel insurers. For each one I looked through the policy, searching for things to do with diving, such as maximum depths, or search & rescue exclusion. I’ve included my notes below. If you use one of these providers have a check to make sure that the cover you think you’re receiving matches what’s in the policy.

There are 27 providers in this list, but there are many, many more out there. If I’ve missed your favourite one out, I do apologise. Drop me a note in the comments and I’ll do my best to add it to the list.

This is NOT a definitive list, nor should be used as the basis of any decision as to your chosen provider.

It is intended to highlight the differences in policy between different providers. This is a list of several providers who offer different travel insurance products, based on data available between Q42012 and Q12013 . I’ve looked at their policies and very un-scientifically searched them for keywords such as “scuba”, “incidental”, “rescue” etc. before extracting specific sections. Therefore, you should fully read the policies carefully before making any decisions. It’s also possible I’ve left comments out which should be in there: let me know of any omissions and I’ll happily correct them, with apologies.

These providers are either “ordinary” insurance providers who also cover scuba diving, or providers aimed at adventure/extreme holidays.

1 Stop Travel Insurance

Read the policy here:


Scuba diving* down to 30 metres if qualified and not diving alone or accompanied by a qualified instructor.

*Scuba diving – scuba diving to the following depths. Provided You are diving under the direction of an accredited dive marshal, instructor or guide. Alternatively, if qualified, within the guidelines of the relevant diving
or training agency or organisation and not diving alone:

BSAC Ocean Diver – 20 metres
BSAC Sports Diver – 30 metres**
BSAC Dive Leader – 30 metres**
PADI Open Water – 18 metres
PADI Advanced Open Water – 30
PADI Dive Master – 30 metres**
PADI Deep Dive Speciality – 30 metres**
SSI Open Water Diver – 18 metres
SSI Advanced Open Water – 30
SSAC Sports Diver – 30 metres**
SSAC Master Diver – 30 metres**
**For the purpose of diving under sports and activities Grade 1. We must agree with any equivalent qualification. If You do not hold a qualification, We will only cover You to dive to a depth of 18 metres.

Incidental/ Diving Holiday

Cover only on an incidental basis

Transportation Costs

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.

Other Exclusions / Comments

You will not be covered under this policy if You travel by air within 24 hours of participating in scuba diving.

24/7 Travel Insurance

Read the policy here:


Scuba Diving to 30m (if qualified or with qualified instructor – not solo), or

Scuba Diving to 40m (if qualified and with qualified instructor – not solo) with Premium, or

Solo Scuba Diving with Premium

Incidental/ Diving Holiday

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.

Transportation Costs

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.

Other Exclusions / Comments

“If you are admitted to a medical facility then you may need to pay the policy excess locally and ask the hospital or doctor to send the rest of their bills to[…] Our Medical Assistance Service will explain this procedure to them and provide them with a faxed guarantee if necessary, once the validity of your claim has been established.”

The AA

Read the policy here:


Scuba diving* down to 30 metres if qualified and not diving alone or
accompanied by a qualified instructor (see notes below)

*Scuba diving – scuba diving to the following depths. Provided you are diving under the direction of an accredited dive marshal, instructor or guide. Alternatively, if qualified, within the guidelines of the relevant diving or training agency or organisation and not diving alone:

BSAC Ocean Diver – 20 metres
BSAC Sports Diver – 30 metres**
BSAC Dive Leader – 30 metres**
PADI Open Water – 18 metres
SSI Open Water Diver – 18 metres
SSI Advanced Open Water – 30 metres**
SSAC Sports Diver – 30 metres**
SSAC Master Diver – 30 metres**
PADI Deep Dive Speciality – 30 metres**
PADI Dive Master – 30 metres**
PADI Advanced Open Water – 30 metres **
**For the purpose of diving under sports and activities Grade 1. We must agree with any equivalent qualification. If you do not hold a qualification, we will only cover you to dive to a depth of 18 metres. You will not be covered under this policy if you travel by air within 24 hours of participating in scuba diving.

Additional Premium: Scuba diving*non incidental, down to 50m if qualified and not diving alone or accompanied by a qualified instructor (see notes below)

*Scuba diving – scuba diving to the following depths. Provided you are diving under the direction of an accredited dive marshal, instructor or guide. Alternatively, if qualified, within the guidelines of the relevant diving or training agency or organisation and not diving alone:

BSAC Ocean Diver – 20 metres
BSAC Sports Diver – 35 metres**
BSAC Dive Leader – 50 metres**
PADI Open Water – 18 metres
PADI Advanced Open Water – 30 metres**
PADI Dive Master – 40 metres**
PADI Deep Dive Speciality – 40 metres**
SSI Open Water Diver – 18 metres
SSI Advanced Open Water – 30 metres**
SSAC Sports Diver – 35 metres**
SSAC Master Diver – 50 metres**
**For the purpose of diving under sports and activities Grade 2. We must agree with any equivalent qualification. If you do not hold a qualification, we will only cover you to dive to a depth of 18 metres.

Incidental/ Diving Holiday

Cover only on an incidental basis

Transportation Costs

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.

Other Exclusions / Comments

You will not be covered under this policy if you travel by air within 24 hours of participating in scuba diving.


Read the policy here:


Scuba diving to a depth of 30 metres (if you hold a certificate of proficiency or you are diving with a qualified instructor),

Incidental/ Diving Holiday

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.

Transportation Costs

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.

Other Exclusions / Comments

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.

American Express

Read the policy here:


Scuba diving (unqualified and above 18 metres),

with Premium: Scuba diving (qualified and above 40 metres)

Incidental/ Diving Holiday

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.

Transportation Costs

You are covered for: All reasonable and necessary expenses which arise as a result of a medical emergency (excluding search and rescue) involving you.

Excluded: any costs for transportation and/or accommodation not arranged by us, or incurred without our prior approval.

Excluded: air-sea rescue costs.

Other Exclusions / Comments

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.

Atlas Direct

Read the policy here:


Scuba diving* down to 30 metres if qualified and not diving alone or accompanied by a qualified instructor.

*Scuba diving – scuba diving to the following depths. Provided You are diving under the direction of an accredited dive marshal, instructor or guide. Alternatively, if qualified, within the guidelines of the relevant diving or training agency or organisation and not diving alone:
PADI Open Water – 18 metres
PADI Advanced Open Water – 30
PADI Deep Dive Speciality – 30 metres**
BSAC Ocean Diver – 20 metres
BSAC Sports Diver – 30 metres**
BSAC Dive Leader – 30 metres**
SSI Open Water Diver – 18 metres**
SSI Advanced Open Water – 30 metres**
SSAC Sports Diver – 30 metres**
**For the purpose of diving under sports and activities Grade 1.
We must agree with any equivalent qualification. If You do not hold a qualification, We will only cover You to dive to a depth of 18 metres.

Incidental/ Diving Holiday

Cover only on an incidental basis

Transportation Costs

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.

Other Exclusions / Comments

You will not be covered under this policy if You travel by air within 24 hours of participating in scuba diving.


Read the policy here:


Scuba diving to a depth of 15 metres.

Scuba Diving up to 30 metres (with Premium)

Incidental/ Diving Holiday

There is no cover where the main purpose of your trip is to take part in a leisure activity. All cover incidental.

Transportation Costs

Emergency Medical and Associated Expenses and Abandonment sections are extended to cover you while scuba diving to the maximum depth for which you are qualified, but not more than 30 metres, providing you are accompanied by a qualified diving instructor or dive master.

Other Exclusions / Comments


No cover under Personal Accident section, No cover under Personal Liability section, Organised through a licensed operator only. No cover for equipment under Baggage section 2. Maximum 5 dives per trip 3. Must be accompanied by qualified scuba diving instructor or dive master at all times 4. No professional, commercial or technical diving, including, but not limited to enriched air diving, tutor diving, ice diving, free diving, wreck, cave or cavern diving or solo diving.

Not covered:

Any claim as a result of scuba diving where:
a) the claim is caused by you suffering from any medical condition which would normally prohibit you from diving
b) you do not follow all diving safety warnings and guidelines
c) you are undertaking professional, commercial or technical diving including, but not limited to, enriched air diving, tutor diving, ice diving, free diving, wreck diving, solo diving and cave or cavern diving
d) you travel by air within 24 hours of completing a dive


Read the policy here:


Scuba Diving (down to 30m accompanied by a qualified diver or instructor)

Incidental/ Diving Holiday

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.

Transportation Costs

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.

Other Exclusions / Comments

NOT covered: Scuba Diving below 30m

Bikini Travel Insurance

Read the policy here:


Scuba Diving to 30m

Incidental/ Diving Holiday

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.

Transportation Costs

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.

Other Exclusions / Comments

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.

Cheap Travel Insurance

Read the policy here:


Scuba diving to 30m (if you hold a certificate of proficiency or are diving with a qualified instructor)

Incidental/ Diving Holiday

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.

Transportation Costs

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.

Other Exclusions / Comments

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.

Churchill (Explorer Policy)

Read the policy here:


Scuba diving (to 18 metres)

Incidental/ Diving Holiday

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.

Transportation Costs

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.

Other Exclusions / Comments

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.

Columbus Direct

Read the policy here:


Scuba diving – Max. 30m, BUT website says 50m!

Incidental/ Diving Holiday

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.

Transportation Costs

There is no cover for Offshore Rescue (Offshoreeans beyond 15km from the shoreline) or Personal Liability

Other Exclusions / Comments

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.

Direct Line

Read the policy here:


Scuba diving (to 18 metres)

Incidental/ Diving Holiday

You must inform them if the main purpose of your holiday is to take part in a particular activity and that activity is not shown on your policy schedule.

Transportation Costs

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.

Other Exclusions / Comments

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.

Direct Travel

Read the policy here:


Not explicitly listed in policy document:

“If you wish to take part in an activity during your trip or if you are in any doubt as to whether or not an activity you intend to participate in during your trip will be covered, please contact Direct Travel Insurance Customer Services by phoning […] or by e-mailing […] before taking part to make sure that cover is provided.”

Incidental/ Diving Holiday

You must inform them if the main purpose of your holiday is to take part in a particular activity and that activity is not shown on your policy schedule.

Transportation Costs

Exclusions: Any search and rescue costs (costs charged to you by a government, regulated authority or private organisation connected with finding and rescuing you. This does not include medical evacuation costs by the most appropriate transport).

Other Exclusions / Comments

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.


Read the policy here:


Scuba diving (to a depth of 30 metres), scuba diving (30 metres to 50 metres depth) with Premium, no solo scuba diving cover available

Incidental/ Diving Holiday

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.

Transportation Costs

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.

Other Exclusions / Comments

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.

Essential Travel

Read the policy here:


Scuba Diving (to a maximum depth of 20 metres)

Scuba Diving (to a maximum depth of 30 metres) with Premium

Scuba diving (to a maximum depth of 50 metres) with Premium

Scuba diving is covered to the confirmed depths per Grade provided You are diving under the direction of an accredited dive Marshall, instructor or guide. If You are suitably
qualified, and are not diving alone, cover is provided within the guidelines of the relevant diving or training agency or organisation as confirmed below:

PADI Open Water – 18 metres
BSAC Ocean Diver – 20 metres
PADI Advanced Open Water – 30 metres
BSAC Sports Diver – 35 metres
BSAC Dive Leader – 50 metres

Incidental/ Diving Holiday

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.

Transportation Costs

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.

Other Exclusions / Comments

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.


Read the policy here:


Scuba diving to a depth of 15 metres

Scuba Diving up to 30 metres (Optional) (but excludes Nitrox)

Incidental/ Diving Holiday

Incidental Cover Only

Transportation Costs

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.

Other Exclusions / Comments

No cover under Personal Accident section, No cover under Personal Liability section, Organised through a licensed operator only. No cover for equipment under Baggage section 2. Maximum 5 dives per trip 3. Must be accompanied by qualified scuba diving instructor or dive master at all times 4. No professional, commercial or technical diving, including, but not limited to enriched air diving, tutor diving, ice diving, free diving, wreck, cave or cavern diving or solo diving.

Not covered:

Any claim as a result of scuba diving where:
a) the claim is caused by you suffering from any medical condition which would normally
prohibit you from diving
b) you do not follow all diving safety warnings and guidelines
c) you are undertaking professional, commercial or technical diving including, but not
limited to, enriched air diving, tutor diving, ice diving, free diving, wreck diving, solo
diving and cave or cavern diving
d) you travel by air within 24 hours of completing a dive

Insure & Away

Read the policy here:


Scuba diving (qualified, maximum depth 30 metres) under 14 days
per trip

Not Qualified: Scuba diving (unqualified, below 9 metres depth), Scuba diving (qualified below 30 metres depth)

Incidental/ Diving Holiday

Less than 14 days per trip

Transportation Costs

Exclusions: air and/or sea search and rescue.

Other Exclusions / Comments

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.

Insure & Go (Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum)

Read the policy here:


Scuba diving (qualified, max 30 metres)

Incidental/ Diving Holiday

Under 14 days per trip

Transportation Costs

Exclusion: Any search and rescue costs.

Other Exclusions / Comments

Cover will only apply provided that you hold a British Sub Aqua Club (B.S.A.C.) or equivalent certificate of proficiency for the dive being undertaken or you are under the direct supervision of a qualified instructor; are diving with proper
equipment and not contrary to B.S.A.C. codes of good practice; are not diving for hire or reward; are not diving within 24 hours of flying or flying within 24 hours of diving and are not suffering from any medical condition likely to impair your fitness to dive.

Lloyds TSB

Read the policy here:


scuba diving up to depth of 18 metres (if qualified or accompanied by qualified instructor and not diving alone)

Incidental/ Diving Holiday

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.

Transportation Costs

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.

Other Exclusions / Comments

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.

M&S Money

Read the policy here:


scuba diving up to depth of 18 metres (if qualified or accompanied by qualified instructor and not diving alone)


scuba diving below 40 metres or scuba diving alone

Incidental/ Diving Holiday

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.

Transportation Costs

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.

Other Exclusions / Comments

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.


5* Defaqto rated Worldwide Family Travel Insurance (included with some accounts)

Read the policy here:


SCUBA diving unless you are a qualified diver and you are accompanied at all times with another qualified
diver or if you do not hold a SCUBA diving certificate, you are accompanied at all times by a qualified diving
instructor and in any instance SCUBA diving beyond a depth of 30 metres is excluded;

Incidental/ Diving Holiday

You must let us know if you are taking part in any activity, which is either the main purpose of your Journey, or you know there is a good chance you are going to be taking part.

Transportation Costs

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.

Other Exclusions / Comments

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.

PJ Hayman

Read the policy here: ,


Cover available to 30M, 50M or 50M+ (50M+ only as part of professionally organised activity)

Provided you are diving under the direction of an accredited dive marshal, instructor or guide. Alternatively, if qualified, within the guidelines of the relevant diving or training agency or organisation and not diving alone.

Incidental/ Diving Holiday

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.

Transportation Costs

Search & Rescue costs covered with £500 excess for 72 hours following first assistance.

Other Exclusions / Comments

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.


Read the policy here:


Scuba diving (to a depth not exceeding 20 metres and provided that You are either accompanied by a qualified instructor, or You are qualified and not diving alone)

Incidental/ Diving Holiday

Not covered where sports or activities are the main focus of, or form a significant proportion of Your Holiday

Transportation Costs

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.

Other Exclusions / Comments

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.

Post Office

Read the policy here:


Scuba-diving – to a depth of 30 metres & only if accompanied by a qualified diver or if you are qualified

Scuba diving – to a depth of 30-40 metres (with Premium)

Incidental/ Diving Holiday

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.

Transportation Costs

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.

Other Exclusions / Comments

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.

True Traveller

Read the policy here:


Scuba Diving (up to 40 meters in depth) excluding solo diving (with Premium)

Incidental/ Diving Holiday

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.

Transportation Costs

Exclusion: Any search and rescue costs or ship to shore rescue costs (cost charged to you by a Government, regulated authority or private organisation concerned with finding and rescuing an individual). This does not include medical evacuation costs by the most appropriate transport.

Other Exclusions / Comments

Exclusion: Air travel within 24 hours of scuba diving.

Virgin Travel Insurance (Red,Silver,Gold Policies)

Read the policy here:


Scuba diving (qualified, max 30 metres) under 14 days (must inform beforehand)

Incidental/ Diving Holiday

Less than 14 days diving, and must inform beforehand

Transportation Costs

Will not cover: Any search and rescue costs.

Other Exclusions / Comments

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.


Specialist Diving Insurers

As you know, there are also insurance companies which specialise in diving insurance. I’ve collated 5 such companies here, and subjected them to the same searches I used on the other insurance providers.

This is NOT a definitive list, nor should be used as the basis of any decision as to your chosen provider.

It is intended to highlight the differences in policy between different providers. This is a list of several providers who offer different travel insurance products, based on data available between Q42012 and Q12013 . I’ve looked at their policies and very un-scientifically searched them for keywords such as “scuba”, “incidental”, “rescue” etc. before extracting specific sections. Therefore, you should fully read the policies carefully before making any decisions. It’s also possible I’ve left comments out which should be in there: let me know of any omissions and I’ll happily correct them, with apologies.

DAN (Sport Silver)

Read the policy here: Not available unless you are logged into MyDan. May be available on request.


No depth limit (limits imposed on Bronze policy).

Recreational Diving means all snorkelling, and recreational Diving Activities  carried out  by the Insured as stated in the Schedule or Certificate  attached to this Policy with or without breathing apparatus whether as a student or not including:
• Compressed air diving in any form
• Enriched air “nitrox” diving with fixed percentages with an open circuit or a “rebreather”
• The use of oxygen enriched air or of oxygen to maximize decompression safety
• The use of normoxic “Trimix” mixtures at depths less than 50m to minimize the narcotic effects of compressed air.

Incidental/ Diving Holiday

Covers any diving you undertake. Note: only covers diving – this is not a general insurance policy.

“THIS IS NOT a private medical insurance policy and only gives cover during a diving activity or in the event of accident or illness that manifests itself during a Journey”

Transportation Costs

Included: emergency transport by ambulance (or other rescue service to take you to the hospital or clinic)

Other Exclusions / Comments

Note: diving insurance only. DAN provide you with a insurance card and a telephone number (both local and international) to call. This will connect you to an English speaking operator who will then co-ordinate rescue and care for you.

Divemaster (IDEC Diver Accident Insurance)

Read the policy here:


80 metres for unsupported dives and/or 130 metres for supported dives unless underwriters agreement is obtained after a written submission. However:

i) We accept that being a certified recreational diver does not necessarily make you qualified for all challenging dives. The SCUBA Diving Certifying Associations (Authoritative Diving Bodies) recommend that you increase your diving  depths and experience by gradual progression and log them as proof of your experience.
ii) Conversely we accept that there will be many recreational SCUBA divers who are qualified to dive certain challenging dives by way of logged experience but may not be certified to engage in these challenging dives.
iii) In all claims situations attaching to this policy we will consider both your diver certifications and your logged dive experience before coming to a decision.”

Also, marked as an Exclusion: “A lack of the correct diver certification and/or lack of provable experience by way of your logged dive records where this lack of certification and/or logged experience was directly causative of the Accident/Injury.”

Incidental/ Diving Holiday

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.

Transportation Costs

Covered, with the following limits:

Emergency Air Evacuation/Repatriation:  £75,000
Search & Rescue: £50,000
Reasonable Transportation Costs & Accommodation Expenses: £5,000

Other Exclusions / Comments

Author Note: The IDEC Insurance policy is only for diving accident/medical emergency, and does not cover other things, such as cancelled flights or lost luggage. Divemaster provide a range of supporting products (such as Annual Trip Insurance) which provide these features, but the IDEC Insurance policy is the only one that provides medical cover.


Read the policy here:


I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.

Incidental/ Diving Holiday

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.

Transportation Costs

Air Ambulance, Sea Rescue, Hyperbaric Chamber costs covered (up to £5M each)

Other Exclusions / Comments

No cave diving. However, many other forms of diving, such as deep or wreck diving, appear to be covered.

The only exclusion I could find was this:

Excluded: Any claims arising from the Insured Person’s failure to comply with the current safety recommendations of the Insured Person’s diving association.


This policy has been withdrawn. The suggested alternative is Adventures Travel Insurance from PJ Haymen (mentioned above)

Scuba Travel

Read the policy here:


Scuba diving to a depth of 50m

Incidental/ Diving Holiday

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.

Transportation Costs

Reasonable receipted costs if following you being reported missing whilst scuba diving, the local authorities deem it necessary to instigate a search and rescue operation.

Other Exclusions / Comments

I didn’t see anything specific, you should check.


Conclusion & Recommendation

“don’t assume your insurance covers you for every aspect of diving”

Your choice of insurer when you go diving is an important one. You wouldn’t buy the cheapest set of regs without first making sure they were going to function correctly at the depth you wanted to dive to, and without finding out whether they were as reliable and dependable as you want them to be. Likewise, don’t assume your insurance covers you for every aspect of diving. This is true for all levels of divers, but becomes much more important the deeper and more technical your diving becomes.

danMy recommendation would be DAN. I’ve had DAN membership on and off for 5 years, thankfully I’ve never needed to use them. However, you don’t have to talk to many people in the diving world to come across story after story of positive interactions with the team there, and of swift and decisive action.

DAN is a non-profit organisation, and also do a great amount of medical and research work to try and better understand the underwater world to improve the safety of those that dive there. They have more than 100,000 members worldwide.

I have the Sport Silver Membership, which I find covers all my needs with a very conservative buffer. There are no depth limits and all types of diving, including technical, are covered. Last time I checked (April 2013) it was £75. You pay more than that to park your car at the airport for a week when you’re on holiday.

You can visit the DAN website or the online sign-up page. And if you found any of this useful, drop me a note in the comments!

(No-one, including DAN, has given me anything to say any of this stuff, or to include any of the companies on this site. Research responses to survey available on request.)

Written by Tom Morgan

Tom is a Microsoft Teams Platform developer and Microsoft MVP who has been blogging for over a decade. Find out more.
Buy the book: Building and Developing Apps & Bots for Microsoft Teams. Now available to purchase online with free updates.


  1. Superb article Tom!
    So many people just blindly get in the water and assume ‘everything will be fine, I’ll be covered’. Scary!!

  2. thank you this is really fantastic

  3. Thanks a ton. Going straight for DAN. 6th diving trip ahead of me, and I am gonna try Nitrox.

  4. Excellent piece of writing! So much information with reference. This is a gold mine with any divers! Thank you!

  5. Thank you, very informative.
    I shall investigate further.
    Good man.


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