Coming Soon: Graph API to include capabilities for Shifts
I’ve just seen this on the Microsoft 365 Roadmap. Currently rolling out (so, not yet here but hopefully soon) will be new API endpoints to support Shifts for Firstline Workers. These new API calls will include:
- Create, read, and update Schedules
- Create, read, and update Schedule Groups
- Create, read, update, and delete Shifts and shift activities
- Create, read, update and delete time offs, time off reasons, and time off requests
- Track the last change date of any of the above items
When they do arrive, my guess would be that they will show up in the Graph API Beta reference documentation (they’re not there as I write this). This tends to be where new stuff into the Graph API goes first, before moving into the 1.0 namespace.
The only thing to be aware of with the /beta namespace is that it contains features that are currently in preview, and you should expect breaking changes. It’s not recommended that you use /beta APIs in production.
If your organisation is using Shifts to provide rich scheduling capabilities to your front-line workers, then this API will give you the ability to either embed data from Shifts in other applications or enable some level of automation in Shift management.