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Posted by on Jul 3, 2019 in Development, Microsoft Teams

New Microsoft Teams App Template will make working with Sharepoint Lists in Teams even easier!

I recently wrote a blog post all about how App Templates for Microsoft Teams can be beneficial to you and your organisation.

At the time I wrote that blog post there were 2 templates. However, since then, a third has been added. It’s called List Search and it will change how you think about Sharepoint lists!

List Search is a Teams app that enables you quickly search and add information from Sharepoint lists, right within Microsoft. Users will love how easy it is to access data kept in a Sharepoint list – they can quickly search and add right from the Teams compose bar:

Like all the App Template projects, List Search is freely available and open source on GitHub, meaning you can either use it as a training resource for your next development project, or just install it in to your tenant for your users (without needing to be a developer and know what all the code does!)

There’s documentation, a Deployment Guide, even an Architecture Overview, which is worth studying, because this app is interesting – it’s actually two separate applications (there’s a configuration app) which work together:

This is a really good example of a simple Microsoft Teams application that adds real value to users. I particularly like it because it’s a Messaging Extension – in a lot of ways it’s quite similar to my simple demo of a Messaging Extension, which was around data locked up in line of business applications. This is different though because it access data in Sharepoint Lists – which I really like because it’s a great use of the right technology:

Keep the data in Sharepoint where you know it’s safe,
Expose the data in Teams where the users are working,
Keep everyone happy!

What to do next: The video at the top of this blog post is a full walkthrough deploying List Search from nothing to working in Teams. It does not require you to be a developer! Use the video to help you deploy List Search in your own tenant and see how you can start bring List data from Sharepoint into Microsoft Teams.


Written by Tom Morgan

Tom is a Microsoft Teams Platform developer and Microsoft MVP who has been blogging for over a decade. Find out more.
Buy the book: Building and Developing Apps & Bots for Microsoft Teams. Now available to purchase online with free updates.

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