I’m speaking at ESPC22 in Copenhagen in November
I’m excited to be able to announce that I will be speaking at the European SharePoint, Office 365 and Azure Conference, which is taking place November 28 to December 1 in Copenhagen.

There are four knock-out keynote speakers from Microsoft: Jeff Teper, Scott Hanselman, Karuana Gatimu and Vesa Juvonen. Seeing them all speak in one place would be worth attending this conference for alone!
I’m going to be talking about delivering Business to Consumer (B2C) experiences in Microsoft Teams, with plenty of demos. There have actually been several updates that have launched since the start of the year, so I will be re-vamping my talk to take these into account. There are now multiple ways to deliver great customer experiences using Microsoft Teams as the back-end! 🙂
You can find out more about ESPCC22 on their website, where early bird pricing is currently in effect. In addition, the organisers have shared a discount code with me, to pass on to you. Use code ESPC22TeamsDev for a 10% discount on your ticket (and to show that you also love Teams Development!)
See you in Copenhagen!